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Writing Editor and Book Editing

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Malone Editorial provides professional book-editing services for those seeking an experienced writing coach to assist you with your book-editing needs.

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Book-Writing Editor Services

Susan Mary Malone is a book editor and writing coach who has helped writers from all walks of life with their book-editing needs. For over 25 years, Malone Editorial has been an award-winning author and book editor company with 50+ of her edited books being sold to traditional publishers. Susan has continually demonstrated her talented writing/editing skills and has developed a unique method to optimize book-editing services. As a long-term writing professional, writing coach and developmental editor, Susan provides an all-inclusive, in-depth book edit to ensure everything in your book is ready for publishing review and approval.

“Susan’s the best. No BS. She doesn’t shy away from telling you what’s wrong with your MS. And she’ll show you how to fix it.” — Randy Denmon, winner of the 2016 Spur Award

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Why Developmental Editing

Developmental editing is the utilization of plotting and pacing, of characterization, of voice and tone, along with all of the stylistic elements that go into creating a great read.

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5 Reasons to edit before You Self-Publish

By far the biggest issue I see these days with self-published books is new writers spending gobs of money on the cover art, the promotion, the paid reviews, and neglecting the editing.

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Which is better: Traditional or indie?

Of course, there’s no quick or easy answer. The fact is, a story that draws the reader into its world has been polished and perfected, regardless of whether it is an indie book or not.

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